Legacy ECC Information

Webmaster’s note: The following article, migrated from the “old” website, has some useful information. Its hyperlinks have been deprecated and therefore disabled.  Association officers, committees, and other volunteers are identified on this page.

Purpose of the Environmental Control Committee (ECC)

The ECC is defined by the COOA By-Laws as volunteer members of the Association who help to interpret the Covenants established when the Association was chartered.  The Covenants, as filed with the Douglas County Clerk, can be found here:

View COOA Covenants.

The Covenants are not always clear and are sometimes contradictory.  In addition, some elements of the Covenants have been invalidated by Federal Law (e.g. restrictions on antennas are now very limited) or by external influence (e.g. the prohibitions on shake shingles by many insurance companies).  The role of the ECC is to interpret the Covenants in a fair and equitable manner.  For areas which are restricted or prohibited by the Covenants, the ECC will provide residents guidance on how to proceed with an Exception.

Minutes of ECC meetings

Under the By-Laws, the ECC must keep minutes of all meetings.  Since the ECC ‘meets’ via email, no minutes are kept of the meetings but records are kept of all email transactions.  Those transactions are summarized annually and presented at the annual homeowner meetings.  These annual reports can be found here:

 View ECC annual action summary reports

Current members of the ECC

Members of the ECC are volunteer residents.  ECC members must be nominated and approved by the Board of Directors.  The current members of the ECC are:

  • Terry Adams
  • Michele Crandall
  • Pat Richards
  • Val Antonioli

If you are interested in volunteering for the ECC, please send a note to the Board by clicking here.  The ECC generally doesn’t meet; most communication, including voting, is handled by email.

Contacting the ECC

You should contact the ECC anytime you are making exterior changes to your lot, including all structures on the lot.  Landscaping changes within 50 feet of your residence are generally excluded.  The ECC generally can respond within a few days; the Covenants require a final response from the ECC must be received within 30 days of the original request.  Requests can be sent to ECC@CharterOaks.org or your can click here to send a note to them.  All communication with the ECC is generally done by email unless a specific request requires a meeting.

Note when contacting the ECC: Please provide as much detail as possible when requesting approval.  The ECC needs the following items, as appropriate:

  • Resident’s name, address and contact email.  A phone number can be provided, but isn’t necessary.
  • Description of all building materials, including colors and manufacturer’s website (if available).  The ECC will generally ask for samples of materials to be used, such as decking, siding, railings, roofing, etc.  These materials will be returned after consideration is complete.
  • Drawings of all changes to be made.  The drawings do not need to be professionally produced, but must be representative and accurate.

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