2022 Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Charter Oaks Owners’ Association was held on April 2, 2022, at Castle Pines North Metro District Community Center.

President Laura Kennedy called the meeting to order at 10:12 am.

President Kennedy determined that a quorum existed, and the meeting could move forward. 

President Kennedy introduced our new neighbors: Tim & Olga Muldoon, John & Alina Baer, Kevin & Carmen Harrington, and Jeff & Ali Krieger.

President Kennedy said that we are sad that we lost our friend and neighbor, DW Burnside on January 18,2022.

President Kennedy asked everyone if they had reviewed the June 19, 2021, Annual Meeting minutes. Michael Dennis wanted to make a correction to the minutes under the agenda item “Voting Procedures.” He would like it to read, “While President Dennis was presenting an agenda item by which owners could determine voting procedures (as stated in the Bylaws), three Board Members rose and announced that the Board had already decided the matter. The owners were not allowed to determine the voting procedures.” And he also stated that he did not second the motion to end the discussion on the voting process and proceed with the voting. It is corrected that Bill Doogan seconded the motion to end the discussion on the voting process and proceed with the voting. Gene Crandall made a motion to accept the minutes as modified, Jill McNary seconded, and the vote tally was unanimous in favor.

The Treasurer’s report was prepared and presented by Jimmy Jensen. The report is attached to the minutes.

The ECC report was prepared and presented by Jessica Gingher, ECC Chairperson. All the ECC activities for the year can be found on the report that was handed out and is also attached with the minutes.

Update on Charter Oaks Lawsuit regarding installation of an unapproved fence in the community. President Kennedy reported that the HOA won the lawsuit with Deana Bossio, and we have finally received all the funds from the judgement as well as the interest fees and attorney fees in trying to collect the money. Our financial position is better now that we have all the funds collected and President Kennedy does not see any reason that we cannot refund the special assessment that residents paid in August 2021. Gene Crandall made a motion that we refund all homeowners who paid the special assessment. Jill McNary seconded the motion, and the vote tally was unanimous in favor.

There was a call to vote on officers and the At-Large Board Member to serve until the next annual meeting. There were no contested positions so in accordance with Section 4.9 of our Bylaws, President Kennedy made a motion to vote by a show of hands and Jill McNary seconded the motion. The vote tally was unanimous in favor of the following people serving on the COOA Board until the next annual meeting:

President:                            Aurom Mahobian

Vice President:                    Jessica Burke

Treasurer:                            Gene Crandall

Secretary:                            John Shaffer

At-Large Board Member:   Chad Arnold

Concerns from owners:

Internet options. Gene Crandall talked about his discussions with Thrive. There is more information that needs to be gathered to see if we can get better internet service to our neighborhood. As more information is secured, it will be relayed to the neighborhood.

Laura Kennedy adjourned the meeting at approximately 11am.

Minutes taken and prepared by Stephanie Gresh

Posted in Neighborhood Updates.